Thursday, September 14, 2006

July 2006 - Egham

Summer Braais and English Boerie

I was looking forward to having Mom and Dad back at home in Egham and had all these plans to pop off to London and other local attractions just to give them a taste of where we lived, but it was not to be. I went for a run with David one morning before the rest of the world woke up and as we were running down a hill, I was chatting about the forest path that we running towards when a cylindrical branch jumped out of the bush and crept under my foot. My ankle went, I fell the other way on my knee and David did a combined long-high jump over my head. It must have looked quite funny if it was jackass, but not so funny on the pavement.
David ran home to get car/help but that meant that the Laudin Seniors were housebound as I was not inclined to go further than my bedroom for a while. The best days of the year probably...the hottest days in a century...and there I was....bedridden.....and yes I did feel very sorry for myself. Graham was very good and nursed the old bag and took Mom and Dad off on short outings to give them a change of scenery although they did not seem to mind that much about having an enforced break.

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