Sunday, February 05, 2006

5 January 06 - Leering in the Louvre

We had decided to spend the day wandering around the Louvre. Like all tourists the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo had to be seen. However what we discovered was that we liked the building more than anything else inside! I’m not sure if that is a savage admission to make or not, but what an amazing palace it is!

I also think that there is just so much to see that you simply can’t take it all in!! We gazed at the smug Mona Lisa and elbowed our way past the Sony tourists trying to take their pics in front of the one armed concrete babe and ambled around with our mouths open and eyes swirling around in our heads like bromme on a piece of prime dog turd.

We went from hall to hall looking at paintings, sculptures, broken bits of pottery, big pieces of pottery, pink pottery, brown pottery, more pictures, ironworks, waxworks (maybe not), weird people, crown jewels, ornate ceilings, bits of brick and mortar. To Graham’s disgust, all the labels were in French only. The only time you saw evidence that another language existed was when they had signs up telling you not to take pictures and not to touch ;-))

After exhausting ourselves after this great trek, we made our way to the station to catch the train to Karen and David, where the Manoir beckoned.

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