Sunday, February 05, 2006

4 January 2006 - Paris on Speed - Morning

We had originally wanted to take a train to Paris so that we could meet up with Lynn and family (my cousin from Australia) but every train leaving Rome was full, including the indirect ones. So we had to fly but the cheapest tickets we could find were via Zurich so at least I finally made my first trip to Switzerland albeit the airport terminal!

We met them at the Gare du nord where they had come in on the Eurostar for the day. It was cold but one of those beautiful crisply sunny days with big blue skies. We walked up to Sacre Coeur. Graham and I were all monumented out by the then so we sat outside and watched the passing show. Our Bangladeshis had been replaced by our cousins from the Dark Continent who were trying to tie raffia bangles on our arms as we walked past, so we watched them harassing and glaring at tourists from our perch whilst the rest of the group wandered around the Basilica.

After that, we went to Montmartre to stare at the artists and wannabe artists and indulge in some coffee and crepes.

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