Then came the farewell party. Here are 'the girls'. We are usually ever so quiet...... Gill, Lorraine, Nat, Hobbsie and Me. I don't have that many pics of Nat here but I think she must have taken most of the photies instead of being on our side of the camera!! Nat and I reckon we spent more time in each other's company some weeks than we did with our other halves!!We were missing some colleagues who could not make it (Eloise, Kathleen, Olu....the Hague contingent...Terry...oh boy - a lot of them, but I will still see them all around town I hope!
Becks and Phil (with his shirt on!)
Haren, Sid and Valeria
Haren, Sid and Valeria
Mike and Graham....we have Mike to thank for introducing us to some new friends, the League of gentlemen.....and local things for LOCAL people...yiessssssss Joz, Tressan, Steve and Jerzy
Warren sort of munching in background, Lorraine, Hobbsie and Gill