Saturday, January 20, 2007

20 Jan 2007 - R.I.P George

George, may you find juicy sheep to chase and eat
Without your family taking the heat
of explaining laws of the wild
to weird poms with a sheep as a child

May the cows you dreamt of bringing down
have rubber horns and big eyes of brown
that make you laugh and ease that frown
of the dog philosopher's soft fawn crown

We loved you on the trips we took
and the moping about with that look
that had seen it all and dreamed about
a place of chops and bones and trout

Where cats are tame and know their place
and no-one laughs at your sad face
but run and chase and sniff the bunnies out
where your legs are strong and lost their gout....

the Lees are sad and shed a tear
but will smile and laugh and think you're near
when the floorboards creak outside the door
of Granny's room and guests galore
talk of George who went before.

March 03 - The Ski Trip - what are these women are up to? Even my missus shows no shame.

come on guys what kind of dogs are you in MY pack, we are the leaders...
Okay, so you guys are just as weird, since when do self respecting dogs do stuff like this...
wonder if there are snow sheep out there hmm too cold and that white stuff sticks to my feet but boy is it great to pee in...

August 03 - Watch me pretending not to notice the cows.. will come back for them later if only the grey haired master dog of the manoir doesn't run me ragged around the place again.

December 03 - I wish the paparazzi would stop hounding me

Okay, it's Christmas, have yourself a merry little tickle then...
that's enough now, do I look like I need my ears tweeked...haven't you heard that joke about the French woman and how she holds her...oh never mind.

New Year 2004 - Got to get me some Raybans.

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