Monday, April 17, 2006

14th - 16th Apr 06 : Easter Weekend

We drove up to Karin late on Thursday night to avoid the Easter Rush and managed to get there in good time. It seems like everyone else left earlier in the day, or they went abroad or down south, so we got lucky.
On Friday we packed a lunch and set off on a 4hr walk across the Moors starting with a gentle uphill across this barren landscape with windswept views to the sea in the distance. We nibbled our way along the tracks and were more interested in finding places to swill down our tea instead of admiring the flora and fauna. The second half of the walk turned into a beautiful stomp across green valleys and gentle streams piddling their way through old farmhouses and next to stone walls. The sheep are so laid back in this part of the world they should be on surfboards and smoking dube! I must have had a lot to eat because normally the only type of board I imagine a sheep on, is a breadboard at the end of a carving knife.
It was a good stomp and somehow we seemed to think it gave us licence to consume more than twice our body weight in food the following day when we set off to Whitby. I wanted to buy some Whitby jet and some fudge, Graham wanted to wander around before finding some warm place for fish and chips and Karin was happy as long we fed her! We landed up going to the same place for fish and chips that we went to with Lyn and Maurice and again we giggled at being given a cup of tea as part of the meal instead of a cooldrink or water. We avoided the Abbey this time as I think it is one of the most photographed UK monuments in our albums so we thought we would look out for other things to take pics of and landed up not taking any that day at all!
It was a typical Spring day, blooming cold and a light wind that made your eyes water, but at least it wasn't raining.
The next day we slept in until the Easter Bunny had hidden our easter eggs and we marvelled at how the big eared fellow knew that hiding Graham's eggs under the tea cosy was the perfect spot for him!
The weekend flew by all to quickly and we had to head back down south but not before we subjected Karin to a photo shoot!

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