Sunday, January 22, 2006

Boxing Day and beyond..

After guzzling our extravagant Christmas dinner of a packet of cheese puffs, a Fanta and an apple yesterday we had to work extra hard to ...err...lose the excess calories. So we summonsed our first blizzard. The experienced guys moaned about the ice on the slopes, but it was all the same to us...bloody cold and we were blind anyway. I saw a lady at the ski lift who had a frozen snot stream sticking out from her top lip like a hip-hop stalactite and this worried me more than getting frostbite on the bits that were sticking out. Graham's instructor took advantage of her newly blinded class and threw them down a red slope. In Italy even the women are macho. I heard that Alitalia pilots fly when even the pigeons are were we excused early from class...Non..Non...Non...

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